Forum Rules

Site Admin
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: So Jun 11, 2023 4:03 pm

Forum Rules

Beitrag von admin »

Forum Rules:

1. Be Respectful:
- Treat other forum members with respect and kindness.
- Do not engage in personal attacks, insults, or name-calling.
- Avoid any discriminatory, offensive, or inflammatory language or behavior.

2. Stay on Topic:
- Keep your posts relevant to the theme and purpose of the forum.
- Avoid going off-topic or derailing discussions.
- If you have a new topic or question, create a separate thread.

3. Use Appropriate Language:
- Refrain from using profanity, offensive or vulgar language.
- Do not post any explicit, adult, or NSFW content.
- Be mindful of your language and maintain a friendly atmosphere.

4. No Spamming or Advertising:
- Do not post multiple identical or similar messages.
- Avoid excessive self-promotion or advertising unrelated to the forum's purpose.
- If you want to share personal content or promote products/services, check with forum moderators for specific guidelines.

5. Avoid Plagiarism:
- When sharing information from external sources, provide proper credit and citations.
- Do not post copyrighted material without permission or proper attribution.
- Respect intellectual property rights and refrain from plagiarism.

6. No Personal Information:
- Do not share personal information (such as home addresses, phone numbers